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Set Owner (29)
        |  Operation  | Position |DataBuffer| DataBuff |    Key   |  Key   |
        |             |  Block   |          |  Length  |   Buffer | Number |
|Expects| BT_SET_OWNER|    X     |   Owner  |Owner Len |   Owner  |   X<---+-+
|-------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+--------| |
|Returns|             |    X     |          |          |          |        | |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
Assign owner name and optionally encrypt Btrieve   +---------------------+   |
file.                                              | 0 Owner Only        |   |
                                                   | 1 Others RO         |---+
                                                   | 2 Owner Only Encrypt|
Owner is 8 char ASCIIZ string (8 + Null)           | 3 Other RO Encrypt  |

Current Position: Not set

See Also: Clear Owner
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson